Today April 3 we would like to Celebrate the birthday of the legendary Mike Ness!
Mike Ness was born in 1962 in Lynn, Massachusetts. His family relocated to Orange County, California later that year and he grew up roaming the streets of Fullerton. As a boy his heroes where not athletes or presidents; they were gangsters […]
Apr 03, 2012 | Categories:everything else, music, what's happening | Tags: birthday, black kat, blues, hot rods, kool kustom, mike ness, mike ness's birthday, rockabilly, social distortion | Comments Off on Happy 50th Birthday Mr. Ness

God Bless Johnny Cash!
Johnny Cash has a song for every mood. Happy, Sad, Fun, Angry, Reflectory, Crazy, but all are from the heart. We all have our high and low moments of our life, but Johnny put it into words and shared his life with us. He put it out there for us to enjoy […]
Feb 22, 2012 | Categories:everything else, music | Tags: "Cry, 80 years old, birthday, cash, Folsom Prison blues, grand ole opry, i got stripes, jc, johnny cash, jr, man in black, music, ring of fire, the man in black, walk the line | 1 Comment »

We would like to wish Chuck a happy birthday with many more to come. Still traveling across the country playing his music at the young age of 85!
Chuck Berry’s music has transcended generations. He earns respect to this day because he is truly an entertainer. Berry, also known as “The Father of Rock & Roll”, […]
Oct 18, 2011 | Categories:everything else, music, what's happening | Tags: 1958, birthday, chess records, chuck berry, father of rock and roll, johnny b goode, maybellene, memphis, muddy waters, musical icon, viav las vegas | Comments Off on Chuck Berry Turns 85