Here is some more of our Coverage from the Viva Las Vegas Car Show 2012. The Show is held at The Orleans Hotel here in Las Vegas. Cars are strictly pre-63 and must be in a style from that era. There are Over 700 cars registered this year with more than 20,000 attending to view […]
Apr 28, 2012 | Categories:car shows, everything else | Tags: bo huff, bomb, car show, chopper, classic, hot rod, hot rods, kulture, kustom, lowrider, motorcycle, music, photographer, pinup, racing, rat rod, rockabilly, rockabilly weekend, tattoo, vegas, vintage, viva las vegas 15, vlv 15, weekender | Comments Off on Viva Las Vegas Car Show (Post 2)

Here is some of our Coverage from the Viva Las Vegas Car Show 2012. The Show is held at The Orleans Hotel here in Las Vegas. Cars are strictly pre-63 and must be in a style from that era. There are Over 700 cars registered this year with more than 20,000 attending to view the […]
Apr 13, 2012 | Categories:car shows, everything else, what's happening | Tags: 53d, bo huff, bomb, bomber girl, corsairs, custom, danny coker, dead sleds, death traps, junior huff, kulture, lowered, lowrider, model, music, orleans, pin up, pinstriping, pinups, rat rod, rides, rockabilly, rockabilly weekend, rockabilly weekender, rods, sailor romper, sled, studio 21 tattoo, sunday slacker, tattoo, tom ingram, vegas, viva las vegas, vlv | Comments Off on Viva Las Vegas 15 Car Show

Rockabilly Weekender April 5th – 8th 2012
Every year we attend this show and every year it gets bigger. It’s great to meet some of the pinups, photographers, and friends we work with. Hope to see you there in 2012!
….and if your in Vegas any other time hit us up. We’ll get some beers and talk […]
Mar 12, 2012 | Categories:car shows, everything else, what's happening | Tags: 50s STARS OF ROCKABILLY, art, Big Sandy & Flyrite Boys, Billy Harlan, bo huff, bomb, bomber girl, burlesque, Buzz Campbell, car show, chopper, custom, dead sleds, death traps, dirty grenade, Don Woody, DOO WOP, filthies, girl, hot rods, jerry lee lewis, kulture, Larry Donn, Lee Dresser, lowered, lowrider, model, motorcycle, music, orleans hotel, pin up, pinstriping, pinups, pool party, punkabilly, rat rod, rat rods, rides, rockabilly, rockabilly weekend, rockabilly weekender, rods, Royce Porter, sailor romper, shannon brooke, sin city, sin city tail draggers, sled, studio 21 tattoo, superglo, tattoo, The Calvanes, The Polecats, tiki, vegas, vintage, viva las vegas, viva las vegas 15, vlv, vlv 15 | Comments Off on Viva Las Vegas 15

This is an example of “True Talent” nurtured at a young age. The result? One hell of an artist. Junior Huff is the talent behind the brush. You couldn’t ask for a better roll model/teacher, when your the son of custom car builder/designer/artist Bo Huff. Although his dad was a major influence, he pursued, developed […]
Aug 07, 2011 | Categories:art, everything else | Tags: 50s, 53 chevy, 53deluxe, art, artist, bo huff, Bo Huff's July Car Show, bomb, burlesque, burnout, car show, chopper, classic, custom, dead sleds, design, food, fun, gasser, girl, hellbilly fest, hot rod, hot rods, junior huff, kulture, lead sled, led sled, model, motorcycle, music, photographer, photography, pin stripe, pin up, pinstripe, pinstriping, pinup, pinups, punkabilly, racing, rat, rat rod, rat rods, rockabilly, Steve Stella, talent, tattoo, vendors, vintage, Von Dutch | Comments Off on Junior Huff

Great shows coming up!
Bo Huff’s July Car Show – July 8 & 9, 2011 – East Carbon, Utah
Hellbilly Car & Bike Show II – September 24, 2011 – Del Mar, California
RSVP on facebook here: facebook.com
More info: shopbohuffcustoms.com/appearances
Jun 21, 2011 | Categories:car shows, everything else, what's happening | Tags: 50s, 53 chevy, 53deluxe, art, bo huff, Bo Huff's July Car Show, bomb, burlesque, burnout, car show, chopper, classic, custom, dead sleds, food, fun, gasser, girl, hellbilly fest, hot rod, hot rods, kulture, lead sled, led sled, model, motorcycle, music, photographer, photography, pin up, pinup, pinups, punkabilly, racing, rat, rat rod, rat rods, rockabilly, tattoo, vendors, vintage | Comments Off on Bo Huff’s July Car Show – July 8 & 9, 2011

Wishard Photography
This week we bring you a sexy little California girl who goes by the tune of Symphony Rose. This 22 years ripe, Fallbrook, CA native, brings her fun in the sun sex appeal wrapped behind an innocent, shy smile along for the ride. Here is a few Q&A’s we want to share with you […]
Jun 10, 2011 | Categories:everything else, pinups | Tags: 53deluxe, bomb, burlesque, california, car show, chopper, girl, hot rod, ink iron, model, photographer, photography, pin up, pinup, pinups, rockabilly, Symphony Rose | Comments Off on Symphony Rose

The turnout Saturday for the show was awesome! Lots of great cars and great people!
May 14, 2011 | Categories:car shows, everything else, what's happening | Tags: bobber, bomb, car show, chopper, customs, free, hot rods, kar kulture, klassics, kount's vampd, kustom, las vegas, lowrider, muscle cars, rat rods, rockabilly, viva ray vegas | Comments Off on Viva Ray Vegas Car Show

American Graffiti
This week we have my buddy Cristian’s 53 Chevy as out feature ride. The car has come a long way since the picture to the left.
He got the car about 3 years from the Clasiq’s classic car marketplace and has been working on it ever since. Its the one he has wanted since he […]
May 10, 2011 | Categories:everything else, hot rods, ride of the week | Tags: 53 chevy, bomb, counts, counts customs, counts kustoms, cristian sosa, flaked, Graffiti, hot rod, kustom, low | Comments Off on Cristian Sosa’s 53

The people, the artists, the pin-ups, the rides and every little detail put into these cars is what makes this event . We support the fans that keep this kulture rolling year after year and if we missed you this time, we look forward to meeting you all, and your car ;), at future shows! […]
Apr 29, 2011 | Categories:car shows, everything else | Tags: bo huff, bomb, bomber girl, custom, dead sleds, death traps, dirty grenade, filthies, jerry lee lewis, lowered, lowrider, model, music, pinstriping, pinups, rat rod, rides, rockabilly, rockabilly weekend, rods, sailor romper, sled, studio 21 tattoo, superglo, tattoo, viva las vegasX vlv, vlv 14, weekend | 1 Comment »

Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekender pulls in one hell of a fun, original, car culture crowd, according to reviews by https://www.vegasguy.com! It is exciting to see the rockabilly community thriving and our old school American car culture living strong in those who can’t get enough of the lifestyle. This show pulls in fans from all […]
Apr 28, 2011 | Categories:car shows, everything else | Tags: bo huff, bomb, bomber girl, custom, dead sleds, death traps, dirty grenade, filthies, jerry lee lewis, lowered, lowrider, model, music, pinstriping, pinups, rat rod, rides, rockabilly, rockabilly weekend, rods, sailor romper, sled, studio 21 tattoo, superglo, tattoo, viva las vegas, vlv, vlv 14, weekend | 1 Comment »

Our ride of the week is owned by Jason Smith who lives in Lewisville Indiana. The 53 came out of Nebraska where it set in a barn for the last 33 years. It’s got the original paint and there was still a lot of the original paper work in the glove box (sales slip, owner’s […]
Oct 16, 2010 | Categories:everything else, ride of the week | Tags: 1953, 53 chevy, barn find, bomb, custom, hot rod, kids rat rod wagon, rat rod | 1 Comment »

This is our new category ride of the week. Send us photos of your ride and a little info or story about your ride and we will post it!
This week we have Charlie Eshenbaugh’s Sweet 53 Chevy as our ride of the week. He’s a body man car nut like me and he has […]
Oct 03, 2010 | Categories:ride of the week | Tags: 1953, 53 chevy, bomb, hot, rat, rod | Comments Off on Charlie’s Cherry 53

My buddy Christian is the best metal worker I have ever worked with. Talent just gushes out of him. This 54 is his project that he has been building for the past year for a good customer. Just wanted to share some pics…I’m sure you will be seeing this car on the road and in […]
Aug 03, 2010 | Categories:everything else, hot rods | Tags: 54 chevy, bomb, chop top, chopped, custom, decked, frenched, hot rod, rat rod, white walls | Comments Off on 54 chevy bomb