Studio PCK

Problem Child Kustoms
This week for our feature artist we have Brian Stupski of Problem Child Kustoms. I’m not going to give a big long full of hot air intro here because there is no need for it. His work speaks for itself! Check it out, these are some of the best renderings we have seen […]
Designer Chris Piscitelli

This week for our feature artist on Infographic Designer we have Chris Piscitelli. Chris is a car designer and has one hell of a unique style. Coming from a very similar background as mine he went all the way and ended up in Michigan as a car designer. I find his drawings very interesting because […]
Gary Campesi

I grew up in a family where just about everyone could draw and paint. The easy and cool things to draw collection in my home was vast, and covered the walls/fridge door very quickly. My original inclinations were toward architecture and aviation. My father was my main inspiration as he was always drawing something. He […]