Winndee Wonderland

This week we have the gorgeous Winndee Wonderland as our feature pinup! She has an edgy yet elegant look….if its possible to have both, shes pulling it off! Check out her photos below! Helloooooo Nurse….
Bio: I am a tattooed ER/Trauma nurse with a love and passion for 40’s and 50’s pin-up models. The elegance, beauty,grace, […]
Paricia Bee

This week we have the sassy Paricia Bee as our feature pin-up. Inspired by the art and music she is surrounded by and ready to experience anything with a open heart and welcoming smile. Turning from fun in the sun tattooed pin-up to Tempest Vixen with a blink of an eye.
Bio: Pin Up model from […]
2011 PMOY Pinup Model Claire Sinclaire Coming to Orange County, CA

2011 Playmate of the Year Claire Sinclair Coming to Huntington Beach Retailer as Part of their “Art Night” Series
HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA (October 22, 2011, at 6:00pm)
The most recent iteration of Absolutely Fabulous Unique and Decor’s “Art Night” series is an evening celebrating pinup artist Jon Hul’s most recent project, “Movie Legends,” which includes a […]
Jennifer Erickson (J Erickson Photography)

This week we see through the creative eyes of Photographer/Artist Jennifer Erickson. Her photography is colorful and has a strong focus on her gorgeous subjects. We love her style and the way she can bring her viewers right into her world. 53D is very happy to feature such great talent and hope you enjoy.
Bio: Born […]
Kimmie Caracoles

We’d like to introduce a new genre of pin-up to our blog, Kimmie Caracoles our Punkabilly Hottie. She expresses her self in all forms…from sexy to shy, from fashion to fun, rather it is at a runway show, a photo shoot, a magazine spread or a high profile event. She has a wild rocker style, […]