Maybelle Lee

This week we bring Pin-Up Maybelle Lee to join our elite mix of amazing ladies. Maybelle has a fun-loving, charming, playfully sexy vibe that we love. From classic to daring to casual shoots she brings her vintage flare.
BIO: Hi all you Katz and Kittenz! My name is Maybelle Lee and I am your all-american vintage […]
Winndee Wonderland

This week we have the gorgeous Winndee Wonderland as our feature pinup! She has an edgy yet elegant look….if its possible to have both, shes pulling it off! Check out her photos below! Helloooooo Nurse….
Bio: I am a tattooed ER/Trauma nurse with a love and passion for 40’s and 50’s pin-up models. The elegance, beauty,grace, […]
Michele Del Ray

For our Pin-Up of the week we bring you the Red Hot Michele Del Ray. She is the full pin-up package, with her own prop if needed (a ’64 Thuderbird!), a house designed to make an interesting shooting location, her own wardrobe and does her own make-up. Just in case you are in need of […]